Two hand showing green tea

Chinese Vs Japanese Green Tea Guide – Which One Has More Health Benefits?

China and Japan are the top green tea-producing countries in the world. Tea of both regions comes from the same plant (Camellia Sinensis). But, have many differences as the soil & making process are different of both regions.

Just like the people of these regions looks almost same to many of us but they are different in every aspect. In the same way, Chinese and Japanese green tea has similarities but can be differentiated easily.

So, Let’s have a detailed look to the aspects (origin, types, benefits, etc) that differentiate the green tea of both regions.

Chinese Vs Japanese Green Tea

The main difference between Chinese and Japanese green tea is that Chinese green tea comes from the land of China, they are mostly land grown in sunny areas and are fried while processing. Japanese green teas are steamed during processing and are grown in shaded areas, usually in the mountains.

Difference On The Basis of Origins

In Chine tea was discovered thousands of years ago with luck by a Chinese Emperor. When a leaf of green tea plant was accidentally brewed in his warm water.

This was the start of tea culture in China were later on green tea production started and green tea was introduced first for medicinal purposes and meditation.

In Japan, green tea was brought by a Japanese monk who went to China for study. This Zen monk named Eisai introduced green tea and methods of preparing it in Japan.

Since then it has been in Japanese culture. They first adopted it but started growing their green tea in their lands.

Therefore, Green tea was originated and grown in the lands of China. Whereas the Japanese learned the art of tea growing and brewing from Chinese culture and then made it their own.

Difference Between Processing

As both teas come from the same plant so the tea leaves used are the same. The main difference between Chinese and Japanese varieties is the processing method that is followed.

In China, most of the green tea is grown in sunny areas in plain lands. Due to this reason, Chinese Green Tea is curly and dry.

It is pan-fried and then stored immediately. Chinese also use age-old techniques like roasting, rolling, and smoking the teas to create authentic blends like Dragon Well.

In Japan, green tea is grown in shaded and elevated regions. For this reason, the green tea leaves are fresh and greener in color.

Green tea fields are shown

Japanese use steaming methods to prepare their teas. The Japanese specialty is turning high-quality leaves into fine powder to make unique blends like Matcha.

This makes it very different in flavor and color than the Chinese one.

Therefore, Chinese green tea is pan-fried and grown in the sun while Japanese use steaming methods and shade their plants while growing.

Only one type of Japanese green tea is pan-fried which is called Kamairicha and very few Chinese types are steamed like En Shi Yu Lu.

Difference Between Flavors

Green tea is not famous just for the benefits it offers but people are addicted to the sweet and savory flavors too. Chinese Vs Japanese Green Tea, have unique flavors and textures.

Chinese green teas that are baked in hot wok have a grassy taste and color. The brew is velvety and described as sweet hazel. The other teas are also light, sweet to tasty flavor.

Japanese green teas are rich and umami in taste. Most provide savory flavors that go with the food.

Thus, the flavor of green teas from China is sweet, delicate with an aroma of Spring while teas from Japan are brisk, bold astringent in taste.

Most Famous Types of Chinese Vs Japanese Tea

Both countries offer a huge variety of different types of green tea. The most common and popular ones are as follows:

[table id=50 /]

CHinese and Japanese green tea varieties are shown

Which One Has the Most Health Benefits?

Whatever type you choose green tea is a powerhouse of healthy compounds. Following are the similar benefits that both types of green tea provide.

1) Rich In Anti-Oxidants

The EGCG is a useful antioxidant in green tea that provides a lot of benefits to the body. From repairing to preventing cell damage, EGCG helps in neutralizing the free radicals.

This results in a diuretic effect in the body and all the toxins from the body are eliminated.

Both Chinese & Japanese green teas are rich sources of anti-oxidants. This is one of the main reasons that contribute towards the popularity of green tea.

Japanese green tea has 60% anti-oxidants while Chinese one has approx. 15%. So, the first one is better in this regard.

2) Aids In Weight Loss

The EGCG in green tea along with caffeine helps the body in burning excessive weight. It burns calories and provides energy to the body so that it can help in making the metabolism faster.

A white Chinese cup of green tea

Chinese & Japanese green teas are zero calories and have an ample amount of caffeine which provides key benefits to the body.

3) Overall Health

Green is not only rich in antioxidants but it also has catechins, polyphenols, minerals, and vitamins that are essential for the well-being of an individual.

All these combined repairs the damage in the body and cover for the lost nutrients.

Japanese And Chinese green teas are known to maintain your health, weight and keep your skin clear and shiny.

4) Healthy Heart

The health benefits extend to the heart too. The heart is an important organ that pumps blood to the body. Due to unhealthy lifestyles and foods, often the arteries get blocked and this increases the risk of strokes.

Drinking green tea acts as a thinner and opens the clogged veins and arteries.

Green in China and Japan is used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Both are beneficial for keeping your heart health at bay.

5) Prevents Diseases

The EGCG helps in keeping a good metabolic rate. Green tea not only keeps you away from an unhealthy diet by suppressing your cravings, but it also prevents many diseases by helping your body fight them.

It helps in fighting cancer cells, healing kidney diseases, treating diabetes, etc.

Japanese & Chinese green tea both are equally competitive to prevent diseases.

Which One Is More Costly? Chinese Vs Japanese Green tea

The production of Chinese green tea is more. They are exported all over the world. They are in high competition with Indian, Korean green teas as well.

Therefore, they have more supply and low competitive prices around the world.

In China, you may find expensive brands and types of green teas that are high quality and premium ranged i.e Longjing Dragon Well.

Japanese Teas are mostly available online, due to the costly methods and high-quality perseverance they cost higher than the Chinese ones. The availability is not everywhere.

Thus, Japanese green tea has low supply and availability while Chinese one is high in demand & competition and found easily around the world. That’s why it’s sold at affordable rates.

Which One Involves Risk?

Green tea is a safe drink for your family and even kids. The excess drinking may cause some side effects like heart palpitations, upset stomach, and trips to the loo.

So what can be some precautions in Chinese Vs Japanese Green Tea?

Some low-quality Chinese Green teas were found to have traces of Lead in them. Therefore, always use a good high-quality brand.

Using tea bags may also have bleach in them. So, it is better to use loose leaf good quality tea leaves.

Thus, both teas are safe but make sure to drink them at the right time, in moderation, and never drink them on an empty stomach.

So, Which One Is the Best?

Most of the health benefits that we discussed earlier are due to the high antioxidant levels in green tea. Chinese green tea has 12-16 percent of antioxidants.

Japanese green tea is shade-grown, thus high in chlorophyll and higher antioxidants. The number of amino acids is also higher in them than the Chinese teas which are essential for immunity boosting.

Japanese mactha green tea in process

In addition, due to quick storage, Japanese green tea isn’t fermented while Chinese ones may become slightly fermented which affects the taste and color.

So, we can say that Japanese green teas are healthier. The taste is a personal preference of everyone.

Thus, due to the high anti-oxidant & amino acid content, Japanese Green Tea will give you more benefits and heal you faster than the Chinese ones.


Chinese green teas have a heritage thousands of years old. It’s still one of the most popular types of green tea. It is commonly available in all parts of the world.

Now, people are gaining awareness of the Japanese style of teas as well.

Both have a lot of benefits. You should try both and see which brand and type matches your style.

Saul Smith
Saul Smith
Articles: 166

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