Matcha Tea vs Green Tea: Which One Is Best For You?

Do you often stand in the supermarket and are curious to choose between Matcha vs Green Tea?

Both are very much similar and derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant.

However, green tea is mostly referred to as Chinese green tea, it is more common and widely available while matcha is a type of Japanese green tea & famous for its quality.

Which one is better?

Read on to learn the differences in taste, cultivation process, and benefits of these two delicious drinks!

History of Matcha Tea Vs Green Tea

The origin of green tea is similar. These both come from the Camellia sinensis plant, which was found back in ancient China about 5000 years ago.

Thousands of years ago Chinese people were experts in making green tea which was a part of their medicinal practices. Only the elite had access to the extracts of green tea.

Later around 800 A.D during Tang Dynasty, a Chinese man named Lu Yu researched green tea and published a book called The Classic of Tea. After that, it became the part and culture of Chinese people.

Japanese green tea has a somewhat similar history. Buddhist monks from Japan traveled to China, during their practice they learned ways of brewing teas and their health benefits.

Thus, Zen monk Eisai brought this practice to Japan, and later they came up with their cultivation and processes of making green tea.

Cultivation of Matcha Tea vs. Green Tea

Up to 80% of the world’s green tea comes from China, while most matcha is cultivated in Japan. They come from the same plant but the cultivation and other processes make them different.

Following are the difference in cultivation processes:

  • Normal green tea is grown in sun areas matcha is shade-grown during the final weeks before harvest. The shade increases chlorophyll levels in the tea leaves and turns them darker.
  • Green tea is processed using either sun-drying, pan-firing, or oven during methods. This preserves its natural flavors. Matcha green tea leaves are destemmed then steamed shortly after harvest to halt oxidation. This gives matcha its brilliant emerald color.
  • The leaves of matcha are stone-ground into a fine, bright green powder while dried leaves of green tea are hand-rolled and saved in natural curly form.

What Is Matcha Tea?

Matcha tea is a highly consumed tea in Japan. Matcha tea is also part of the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

It is a type of green tea, but with more health benefits than any other type. Leaves of matcha tea grown under the shades of bamboo.

Before 20 – 30 days of harvest, they protect them from sunlight. The shade raises the level of chlorophyll in the leaves.

It turns the leaves’ color into a darker shade and increases amino acids. After that, they grind it to make a matcha powder.

Matcha tea contains antioxidants and catechins. It also contains amino acids and L-theanine. These components help make you feel relax and stress-free.

Matcha tea has a richer and bold taste than regular green tea

Amazing Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha tea is a type of green tea. but it contains more beneficial components than regular green tea. 1 cup of matcha tea is equivalent to 3 cups of regular green tea.

Let’s give it a look at the main health benefits of drinking matcha tea.

  • Matcha tea is fully packed with antioxidants such as catechins. The most beneficial catechin is EGCG, it may prevent inflammation and increase cell repair.
  • It contains 137 times more antioxidants than any type of green tea.
  • It has three times more antioxidants than other premium-level teas.
  • This beverage also may reduce the risk of heart diseases such as stroke or heart attack.
  • Drinking matcha tea can make your skin healthy and glowing.
  • It also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in your body. Also, it balances the blood sugar level.
  • Matcha tea contains L-theanine, which makes you relaxed and alert.
  • Antioxidants in matcha tea are helpful in weight loss.
  • Matcha tea has a richer and bold taste than green tea.
  • Consuming matcha daily may detoxify your body every day. Which is good for your health.

Matcha tea contains L-thanine and catchins which may help weight loss

Side Effects of Matcha Tea

When you drink matcha tea excessively then side effects of this tea come into play. If you are not monitoring your intake of matcha tea then there are chances that you end up in pain.

  • The caffeine content in matcha tea is more than green tea, so pregnant women should avoid it.
  • Excessive intake of matcha tea may lead you to stomach problems.
  • 6 – 7 cups of matcha tea per day can cause headaches, insomnia, and diarrhea.
  • Also, matcha tea can interrupt your sleep.
  • Bad quality matcha tea can increase toxicity in your body.

What Is Green Tea?

Green tea is known for its health benefits, all around the globe. It is mainly produced in China and India. Green tea is 20% of the total consumption of tea worldwide. This tea is derived from Camellia sinensis.

Green tea contains antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. 

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most consumed types of tea worldwide. It contains antioxidants and polyphenol, which are beneficial for mental and physical health.

There are multiple health benefits of drinking green tea regularly. Let’s check them out.

  • Green tea contains less caffeine as compare to matcha green tea. 1 cup of regular green tea contains 35 mg caffeine.
  • Preparation of green tea is easier than matcha tea.
  • The addition of green tea to your daily diet may reduce the visible aging signs.
  • Green tea may fight against free radicals, which are brutal for your health.
  • Jasmine green tea contains caffeine and antioxidants, which can nourish your skin. It also removes dead skin cells.
  • Green tea extracts may reduce the chances of cancer and liver damage. But more research needs to be conducted for better results.
  • Daily consumption of green tea extracts may play a vital role in weight loss.
  • The caffeine content in green tea makes you feel calm and alert.
  • According to Harvard Medical School, green tea reduces bad cholesterol levels. Also, it reduces body fat.
  • Drinking green tea 4 cups per day, for 2 months caused a significant decrease in body mass index and systolic blood pressure.

Green tea may fight against free radicals which are harmful for your health

After these benefits of green tea, now you have a reason to drink it more often.

Side Effects of Green Tea

There are few side effects of green tea. But there are some points to take care of. Let’s check out what are those points.

  • If you consume strongly brewed green tea on an empty stomach, it may cause you stomach irritation.
  • Excessive intake of green tea can lead you to digestive issues such as constipation and nausea. Also, it can cause diarrhea.
  • The caffeine content in green tea may cause you a headache. People who are suffering from migraines should avoid green tea.
  • If you are sensitive to caffeine then you should avoid green tea, it can disturb your sleep.
  • People who are suffering from anemia should avoid green tea. Because the antioxidant component of this tea blocks the iron absorption. Which is dangerous.
  • Green tea contains tannins. So, if you consume more than 4 cups per day then it can lead you to vomit.
  • The caffeine content in green tea slows down the blood flow to the brain, you can end up in motion sickness.
  • Green tea prevents the oxidation of fatty acids in your body, which can cause you thinner blood consistency.
  • There are chances that green tea can cause irregular heartbeat.
  • Excessive intake of green tea can be harmful to pregnant women.

Difference Between Nutrients of Matcha Vs Green Tea

Matcha tea and green tea both have different tastes, nutrients and calories. Also, both are processed differently and both have different preparation methods.

Many tea lovers don’t know that the benefits of matcha tea and green tea are different from each other.

The main ingredient that makes them different is the amount of antioxidants.

This table will help you to choose the best one that suits you the most in this contest, matcha tea vs green tea.

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Preparation of Matcha Tea vs. Green Tea

Matcha tea is in powder form, is prepared by mixing roughly one teaspoon of matcha powder with hot water. Bambo whisk is used traditionally or electric frother may also be used.

To make a matcha green tea latte, steamed milk is added with preferred sweetener.

On the other hand, to make green tea pour hot water over a green tea teabag or brew it in a pan for 2 to  4 minutes. You can steep according to package instructions and enjoy your homemade brew.

The Flavor of Matcha Tea vs. Green Tea

Most people want to know the difference in the flavor of green tea vs matcha before buying it. We mentioned the similarities and differences below.

  • Both green tea and matcha powder may be described as having a grassy, earthy, or vegetal taste.
  • Green tea is light in color, delicate, and fresh. Depending on how it has been processed and any herbs or botanicals that have been added, green tea may taste floral, fruity, or nutty. It might feature notes of honey, jasmine, peach, citrus, ginger, or other aromas.
  • Matcha tends to have a richer, more intense flavor.
  • Green tea can be infused with lemon and mixed with other teas while brewing. Matcha is often blended with milk and sweetener to create matcha lattes, so many tea drinkers associate matcha with a frothy, velvety texture and sweet taste.

Which Is Healthier Matcha or Green Tea?

We can deny the health benefits of both teas. Green tea and matcha contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients while remaining low-calorie, low-carb drinks with numerous potential health benefits.

But it all comes to which is healthier.

Matcha contains up to 137 times more antioxidants than a low-grade variety of green tea and up to 3 times more antioxidants than other high-quality teas. This is because of the cultivation and quality of matcha.

This is the reason matcha is more expensive and has higher levels of caffeine than regular green tea, so it provides a natural buzz without the jitters and makes you more active instantly.

A thing to note is that it may not be suitable for those who are trying to limit their caffeine intake.


So, we have discussed matcha tea and green tea in detail. Both teas have benefits along with their side effects. It’s totally up to you that how you take it. However, matcha tea has more health benefits than regular green tea.

Green tea is also good for your health. But the main thing is balance. You should monitor your intake of caffeine and balance your diet. I hope now you can decide who is the winner of this contest. Matcha tea vs green tea.

Saul Smith
Saul Smith
Articles: 166

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