9 Herbal Tea for Allergies with Recipes

Seasonal allergies like hay temperature and allergic rhinitis are common in people. Tea for allergies can help in boosting your immunity against seasonal allergies.

People suffering from different allergies experience symptoms like sore eyes and runny nose.

Although tea is beneficial and has many health benefits, certain teas are best for allergies. Many teas are scientifically proven to have the nutrients to fight allergies.

People choose different drugs to treat allergies, but tea is a delicious solution.

What is an Allergy?

Many antioxidant teas are best in treating allergies and boosting the immune system. Moreover, the teas that we got from Camellia Sinensis are best for seasonal allergies.

The herbal tea has the nutrients to treat inflammation and the risk of hay fever.

white cup in a hand

To get the most out of the herbal teas, we suggest adding the tea to your daily diet. One cup will do nothing, but drinking tea can do wonders.

It would be best to drink the herbal teas for at least several weeks to treat your allergic symptoms.

9 Best Teas for Allergies

Here we jotted down some of the best teas that could help in treating different allergies:

1) Green Tea 

Green tea provides many health benefits. It’s best for inflammation and reducing the risk of cancer.

Although green tea has many antioxidant properties, it’s also best for allergies.

Many studies that tea is a natural healing medicine for different allergies. For treating mind allergies, the steamed Japanese green tea called benifuuki is best.

The benifuuki green tea has rich properties that might provide an anti-allergic effect. Green tea is one of the unique natural remedies that you could drink for treating allergies.

2) Rooibos Tea – Tea for Allergies

Rooibos, also known as red bush tea, is a South African plant with proven medicinal benefits.

The tea is decaf and has uncanny health benefits. The rooibos tea contains luteolin and quercetin, two compounds. These compounds have proven to be beneficial for allergies.

Glass of orange beverage

The rooibos tea comes in two flavors that are green and red fermented and non-fermented.

The tea helps in blocking the release of histamines that causes allergic reactions.

Drinking rooibos tea prevents you from skin allergies as it metabolizes allergens.

3) Stinging Nettle Tea

Many studies have shown that nettle tea reduces the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It is a Urtica dioica plant that grows in the form of weed.

Nettle also contains serotonin and histamine properties. The earthy flavor of the nettle tea is like green vegetables.

A daily cup of nettle tea can fight the symptoms of allergies. But, keep in mind that pregnant mothers should avoid drinking this tea.

4) Ginger Tea – Tea for Allergies

The benefits of ginger tea are uncountable. It is often used to fight nausea and stress.

But tea containing ginger can be an infusion that works as anti-inflammation tea.

The tea can also be helpful for the temperamental nose, and it can lessen the sinusitis symptoms.

a cup of ginger tea for allergy

Below we jotted down the recipe of ginger-tea for treating allergies:


  • six slices of raw ginger
  • 2 cups of water
  • honey (optional for taste)


  • Peel the ginger slices
  • Pour the water into a saucepan.
  • Add the ginger slices into the water and let it boil for 10-20 minutes.
  • After boiling, pour the tea into a cup and add honey to taste.

5) Lemon Peel Tea

Lemon is a vitamin C powerhouse, and its peel is best to prepare a potent tea.

Studies show that peels of citrus fruits like lemon and orange have antioxidant properties.

The antioxidant properties present in the lemon peel can help in preventing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Below we jotted down the recipe of lemon peel tea for treating allergies:


  • Peel of a fresh lemon
  • Two cups of water
  • Mint (optional)
  • Honey (Optional)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan
  • Add the lemon peel to the water.
  • Boil the water for five minutes
  • Pour the tea into a can and add honey or mint to your taste.

6) Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is a type of herbal tea that helps lessen the severe symptoms of allergies.

Mint tea helps in fighting the anti-inflammatory enzymes. These enzymes cause allergies due to immune reactions.

The fantastic mint tea is best for sore throats and stuffy nose. Peppermint tea has the necessary nutrients that can fight against allergies.

Tea is also the best option for freshening sinus breath.

7) Tulsi Tea

Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a herb used in India for tea making. Moreover, the tea has antimicrobial properties that help in relieving stress.

holy bail leaves

The Tulsi herb is also beneficial for boosting your immune system. The antioxidant properties aid the immune system against fighting symptoms of severe allergies.

8) Turmeric Tea – Tea for Allergies

Turmeric is best known as a spice in many Asian fusions. The turmeric powder combined with water and milk is best for pain and healing wounds.

It’s known for its anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. Also, turmeric tea acts as a natural antihistamine that slows the symptoms of allergies.

So, drinking a well-infused cup of turmeric tea daily can provide you with overall well-being.

The curcumin ingredient found in turmeric helps reducing swelling and irritation from allergies. So, below we jotted down the recipe of turmeric tea for treating allergies:


  • 1-2 tsp of grounded turmeric powder
  • Two cups of water
  • Black pepper (optional)
  • honey (optional)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan
  • Add the turmeric powder to the water.
  • Boil the water for 10 minutes
  • Pour the tea into a can and add honey and black pepper for better digestion.

9) Licorice Tea – Tea for Allergies

The licorice roots come from the herbal licorice plant. The plant is known for its antihistamine and antioxidant properties. Also, the tea is best for allergies like runny nose and sore throat.

tea for coughing

The licorice tea has the nutrients to reduce inflammation and kills bacterial allergies. The tea mitigates the effects of coughing.

To wrap it up!

Many herbal teas are scientifically proven to be suitable for treating allergic symptoms. So, adding the teas that we mentioned above to your daily diet can give you many health benefits.

There are many herbal teas that you can drink in the summer season to prevent allergic reactions.

Moreover, you can drink decaf teas if you’re caffeine sensitive. We urge that you discuss this with your doctor before adding herbal tea to your diet.

Saul Smith
Saul Smith
Articles: 166

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