eleven teas for digestion

A Detailed Guide on 11 of the Best Teas for Digestion

Tea is an excellent drink for treating digestive issues, and people are drinking it for years. There are teas that are best for digestion and it can be a calming way to ease your stomach after a meal.

Many kinds of tea are good for banishing bloating and period cramps. From herbal brews to caffeinated cups, there are many beneficial teas for digestion. 

Many herbal teas can help in treating constipation, indigestion, and nausea. 

You can drink caffeinated teas. If you want to avoid caffeine, you can stick to herbal teas that are great for digestion.

11 of the Best Teas for Digestion

Here we jotted down a list of the eleven best teas for digestion:

1) Ginger Tea – Best Tea for Digestion

People are using ginger for medicinal purposes for centuries, and a good reason. Ginger Tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can calm the stomach and improve digestion.

Ginger has compounds known as shogaol and gingerols. The two compounds are best for treating stomach contractions. 

ginger with cinnamon

Moreover, ginger tea may help with a period of exercise cramps, gas, and bloating. You can add a spiced black ginger tea to your morning routine or herbal tea in your evening routine. 

Ginger tea speed up the metabolism resulting in better digestion.

2) Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea provides many health benefits, including indigestion and stomach cramps. 

Many research shows that peppermint has antioxidant properties that can reduce gas issues.

You can drink this refreshing drink at any time for better digestive health. The aroma and taste of the tea can reduce bloating by decreasing inflammation.

Peppermint tea contains menthol, which helps with stomach irritations and fights harmful bacteria.

3) Black Tea – Best Tea for Digestion

Black tea is the most famous beverage known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The black tea comes from a plant called Camellia Sinensis.

Many people drink black tea as a combination by brewing it with earl grey or English breakfast tea.

milk and honey

The antioxidant properties of black tea can help to reduce the risks of stomach ulcers.

Studies show that black tea helps with stomach bloating, constipation and aids digestion. 

You can consume black tea in its original form or with milk and honey as a sweetener. Moreover, if you want to avoid caffeine, we suggest trying other teas like green tea or ginger tea.

4) Green Tea – Best Tea for Digestion

Green tea is best for people who want a lower intake of caffeine. The tea is a host to many health benefits, including stomach cramps and indigestion.

The tea provides stomach digestion by boosting the digestive system. So, drinking a cup of green tea can do wonders for your stomach-related issues.

The catechins compound present in green tea promotes healthy digestion.

Green tea is an excellent dietary supplement as it can reduce weight by speeding up your metabolism.

5) Dandelion Root Tea

The dandelion tea is best known for reducing period and exercise cramps. Moreover, the rich antioxidant properties of the tea help in better digestion of the food.

Studies show that this herbal tea aids the body in digesting complex carbohydrates.

A classic dandelion root

The dandelion root tea is a great way to have a robust immune system. A stronger immune protects you from digestive diseases.

The tea is best known for fighting harmful stomach bacteria. It also increases the white blood cells for better digestion.

6) PU-ERH Tea

PU-ERH is an aged black Chinese tea that helps to boost healthy gut bacteria. The processing of the tea includes fermentation that makes it beneficial for health.

The PU-ERH tea has many beneficial properties, including anti-obesity and antimicrobial. 

The tea has a smooth finish with an earthy flavor and rich dark color. If you eat rich or fatty food, PU-ERH tea can digest the food.

The fermentation of the tea makes it best for promoting healthy micro-bacteria. The anti-bacterial properties aid your immune system to fight against stomach issues.

7) Senna Tea

Senna is an herb that helps in alleviating constipation and stomach aches. Also, it comes from a flowering cassia plant. The plant has the properties to improve bowel movements.

Drinking the Senna tea can reduce bloating and indigestion. Moreover, sennosides boost contractions in the intestine and improve food digestion.

8) Oolong Tea – Best Tea for Digestion

Oolong is one of the six original types of tea that comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The PH level present in oolong tea can help in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux. 

a cup of flower tea

Moreover, the tea is excellent for people who want to lose weight as the tea speeds up metabolism and burns fat.

9) Chamomile Tea

Many people consider chamomile tea as a bedtime tea as it has soothing properties. Because, the natural sedative of the tea improves digestion and improves sleep.

The tea is best for soothing stomach pains and treats constipation. Also, the chamomile tea helps in reducing inflammation and diarrhea issues.

The tea works as a relaxing stimulant for an upset stomach and irritated muscles.

10) Licorice Tea – Best Tea for Digestion

Licorice is often used as a sweetener as it adds a sweet taste to any tea. So, it would be best to take this tea after dinner time to soothe your stomach and for better digestion.

The tea increases the production of mucin and reduces the risk of stomach ulcers. Moreover, tea is a great aid to solve digestion problems and constipation.

11) Angelica Root Tea

Angelica root is a flowering plant that is readily available in any part of the world. The tea has an earthy and celery-like flavor to it.

Although the angelica root is best for medicinal purposes, it can also help improving digestion. 

The tea promotes the production of healthy cells and blood vessels. And, it also protects your body against stomach diseases. 

The Angelica root also reduces the oxidative stress that causes intestinal damage. So, drinking a cup of angelica tea can help you fight inflammation that causes stomach disorders.

A cup of Angelica Root

Below is a recipe to prepare a fantastic cup of angelica root tea:


  • One tbsp. of fresh or dried angelica tea
  • One cup of water
  • Honey (Optional)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan
  • Add the angelica tea to the boiled water
  • Let the water steep for 5-10 minutes
  • Add honey according to your taste

Safety Precautions for Drinking Herbal Teas

Although herbal teas have many health benefits, it would be best to consult your doctor to add a tea to your diet. 

There is little study on the safety of some teas for pregnant women and children. 

yellow herbal tea for digestion

Also, Herbal tea may cause unpleasant side effects to some people. It may cause problems including diarrhea, nausea, or headache. 

If you want to add herbal tea to your diet for better digestion, go for a low intake. Because, the low intake will help you notice if the tea suits you or not without putting it at risk.

The Bottom Line!

People like to drink herbal teas after a meal as they help in better food digestion. Also, tea can be a great approach to keep you safe from stomach problems. 

Herbal teas can help you with better digestion, ulcers, and constipation.

Ginger, green, and peppermint are some of the best teas for better digestion. So, make sure that consider your health conditions before adding a tea to your diet.

Saul Smith
Saul Smith
Articles: 166

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