A GREEN tea pot

Does Green Tea Have Caffeine? Check Is It Beneficial or Harmful?

Do you have to start your day with a caffeine dose to awaken your senses? You might go to the regular coffee as a daily routine but we are about to tell you a healthier option. Firstly, let us disclose something to you. Green Tea caffeine is a thing!

There’s Caffeine in Green Tea!

Yes, it’s true green tea caffeine is not high and it has amazing benefits for the human body as well. Caffeine in green tea along with antioxidants regulates your body’s hormones, prevents certain diseases, fights cancer cells, rejuvenates your skin and furthermore, keeps you smarter by reducing your weight.

On the contrary whenever you truly decide to switch to green tea. This means, after this day you still choose to drink a hot cup of drink, but this time it will be green tea with amazing health benefits which will keep you awake and fresh the whole day.

Green Tea Caffeine Per Cup/Serving:

A cup of this nutritious drink contains around 30 – 50 mg of caffeine if you take an approximately 8-ounce cup. The amount may vary for different brands and cup sizes and either the brew is strong or light.

 A study shows that the caffeine levels of different brands varied a lot. Specifically, they had 7mg to 40 mg caffeine in a cup of 8 oz. You can take off 400 mg of caffeine in a day. This is the maximum recommended amount.

Although daily caffeine limitations are up to 400mg, don’t take this much amount all at a time. It makes almost 8 cups of green tea. Start with including 1 or 2 cups in your routine.

Why Does Green Tea Have Caffeine?

You might not know this, but green tea does have caffeine in it. The reason behind this is the Camellia Sinensis plant, which is the wonderful plant from which we obtain all the leaves for every kind of tea.

A white cup of green tea with leaves

Black tea, white tea, oolong tea all come from the same plant. The leaves of this plant have the stimulant caffeine in them. But the processing and brewing time changes the caffeine level of the teas. 

Different Types of Tea and Caffeine Content

Coffee has the most caffeine count which is 95 to 200 milligrams. If you want to minimize the this in your system, you can switch to other options instead. 

To know the ratio and amount of caffeine going in your body, here the caffeine content in different teas.

Tea NameCaffeine Content (per 8-ounce serving)
Green Tea35 to 45 milligrams
Black Tea40-70 milligrams
Oolong Tea37 to 55 milligrams
White Tea15 to 30 milligrams

How Are Caffeine Levels Being Tested in Tea?

You cannot test caffeine levels in green tea at home. Measuring green tea caffeine can be performed in a lab because it is a difficult process. 

Research says that there are four ways to check green tea caffeine in a lab. 

Methods To Check Green Tea Caffeine Levels

  • Two methods do this by using chloroform and isolating the caffeine in a plant.
  • Lead acetate solutions may also be used in these methods.
  • The other two methods analyze the chemical structures of the tea plants. 
  • All the substances used in all the methods are taken from the green tea plant.
  • Besides, one of the methods used for green tea caffeine is Caffeine test strips.

Which Green Tea Type Has the Most Caffeine?

To determine this we have to check out the following information;

What Determines Caffeine Levels?

Green tea has several different types and brands. Although each brand has different caffeine levels, the type of green tea may also vary regarding caffeine levels. 

A cup of full of green tea with tea pot in the background

Popular Types of Green Teas and Caffeine Content

Gyokuro and Matcha Green teas are the most common and popular types of green tea. Both of these contain the highest levels of caffeine. These are kept under the shade while harvested for a long time.

Popular Green Teas

Caffeine Content (per cup)

Sencha 20 mg of caffeine
Hojicha20 mg of caffeine
Bancha 10 mg of caffeine
Gyokuro 35 milligrams of caffeine

Is There Green Tea That is Caffeine-Free?

Yes, there is. Decafs are in trend. People with certain health conditions or diets prefer to drink decaf drinks. They are commonly available everywhere. 

Did you know that even decaffeinated drinks have caffeine in them? Sorry to burst your bubble but coffee and teas are never caffeine-free. At least, they contain about 2.5% of the real caffeine level.

Is There Naturally Decaffeinated Tea? 

There is no naturally decaffeinated tea available in markets or online. No brand is currently selling this type of tea.

Meanwhile, the good news is that the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has announced that Chinese Scientists found out a plant that contains very little to almost zero caffeine. The name of this plant is Hongyancha and it is a naturally decaffeinated Camellia sinensis plant. 

How Can Be Green Tea Made Caffeine-Free?

There are few methods used to make decaf green tea.

Methods Used to Make Decaf Green Tea

  • The first way used is through the water. Firstly, the tea is soaked in warm water; this is then passed through filters. After this, the water is again placed with tea extracts to absorb flavor and oil.
  • To make the decaf it is important to crush the leaves and roll them. Powdered green tea can not be made into decaf.
  • Moreover, another method is used by the carbon-di-oxide method. The tea is again cooked at high temperatures until the desired state. At this state carbon-di-oxide only attracts small caffeine molecules.
  • To conclude, during all these methods the flavors of green tea stay intact while caffeine levels are reduced to the minimum.

How Long Does Java Stay In Your System? 

You can feel the warmth and effects of caffeine within 15 minutes of drinking it. After an hour, the level of caffeine in your blood spikes and stays for many hours.

Consequently, half of the caffeine stay in your body after 6 hours. It takes 10 hours to completely draw out of your body.

Does Green Tea Have More Caffeine Than Black Tea?

According to a study, 90 percent of Americans take caffeinated drinks in the morning. Caffeine energizes your body and makes you more alert and awake.

There is a difference between caffeine levels in green tea and black tea. What’s the difference between both?

Green Tea Vs Black Tea

  • Firstly, both teas come from the same plant.
  • However, due to the difference in the manufacturing of both teas, their qualities change.
  • It contains less caffeine than black one.
  • Similarly one cup of this drink provides about 35 to 45 milligrams of caffeine while black tea has 40-70 milligrams of caffeine per 8 oz cup.
  • These both consists of incredible benefits.
  • The two of them may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • On the whole, choosing one of them is your choice, check their list of benefits and choose for yourself according to your health condition.

Does Green Tea Have As Much Caffeine As Coffee?

Now you know that green tea contains caffeine but does this hot cup of nutrition have the level like coffee?

Green Tea Vs Coffee

  • According to a study, green tea and coffee both show improved brain functions, better physical activity, and alertness.
  • Next, coffee contains  80 to 100 mg of caffeine while green tea has 30 to 50 mg.
  • Hence, if you need a quick caffeine reaction to your body then you can opt for drinking coffee.
  • On the other hand, green tea may affect the body a little bit later but it will keep you fresh for a longer period.
  • According to research, coffee and green tea caffeine will make you lose weight and burn the extra fats around your body.
  • Lastly, if combined with exercise and workout, this beverage is more effective in shedding your pounds. A mug of green tea ready to drink

 Green Tea Caffeine Pills:

These pills are mostly used with workout and weight-reducing regimes. While exercising you put in a lot of energy and effort, so you need a reliable source to refuel your body without fattening you.

These pills can be that fuel for your body after a workout. There are other products like protein bars, gummies and mints, and shots but they may have artificial flavoring and sugar. This is a safer option than all others.

What Is Green Tea Caffeine Shampoo, and What Can It Do for Your Hair?

 It has all the goodness and extracts of green tea and caffeine combined. This means it includes:

  • Caffeine
  • Proteins and minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • All amino acids
  • Oils

Thus, this infused shampoo will make your hair smooth and shiny. The antioxidants nourish your scalps while all other components fight bacteria and help with sun damage. 

Furthermore studies show that applying a caffeine-infused shampoo may help with conditions like alopecia or hair loss.


In conclusion, this delicious drink stimulates our body while relaxing the mind. It is not an instant energy drink like coffee that excites your brain and activity for a short period. 

In addition, the caffeine has long-lasting effects. The caffeine level in green is also suitable for a healthy adult. Hence, from weight loss to increased activity to fighting disease, it helps in overall bodily functions.

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