A cup of green tea with steam

How Much Caffeine In Panera Green Tea? A Recipe To Make It At Home

Panera started as St. Louis Bread Company in the USA around 1987. The vision & dream was to put bread loaf in everyone’s hand. They are known for their good and clean food servings without additives.

Recently it started its green tea which is quite trending among tea lovers. According to Panera’s official site, they claim to have no caffeine green tea.

But is it true?

Know how much caffeine is in Panera green tea and more info about it.

Let’s See What’s The Inside Story of Panera Green Tea.

How Much Caffeine Is in Panera Green Tea?

Panera claims that the “Iced Green Tea” offered by their brand have zero caffeine even they are using the real green tea to make their iced tea.

The caffeine content of brewed green tea in an 8oz cup is at least 30 mg. Depending upon various factors it can be high or low.

If they are using real green tea brew how can their iced green tea have zero caffeine?

Another thing to note is that Panera’s mango iced tea has as much caffeine as iced coffee while iced green tea has zero caffeine.

Our analysis either Panera is not using real green tea brew in their tea or there surely is caffeine in their tea regardless of what they say.

Even decaffeinated green tea has some amount of caffeine in it.

Panera surely has to get their facts straight.

As all teas that come from the Camellia Sinensis plant (from where green tea is produced) have caffeine in them.

The caffeine content of various teas are as follows:

[table id=49 /]

The caffeine content that Panera declared in their drinks including green tea can be seen in the table below.

[table id=73 /]

What’s In Panera Green Tea?

Panera prides itself in providing all-natural green tea in its iced tea. The main ingredients used are green tea, papaya, and passion fruit. The whole ingredients can be seen in the table below.

[table id=72 /]

Let’s see the nutrition value for a large cup of Panera Iced Green Tea.

[table id=71 /]

How Much Sugar Is in Panera’s Green Tea?

Sweeteners and sugar can make green tea taste less bitter. Panera’s green tea has 14 tsp of sugars per serving!

Ice cubes representing Paneras sweetness

Panera is a brand famous for healthy and clean eating options. They could surely do better and put healthy sugar in green tea options.

There are a lot of natural options that can sweeten your green tea without sugar.

According to daily intake, women should consume 25 grams of sugar in a day and men up to 36 grams. Panera has 30 grams of sugar in a cup of green tea.

Is Papaya Green Tea Good for You?

The papaya green tea mix can be beneficial for your health and provide a lot of benefits that are as follows.

  • Green tea is rich in antioxidants that prevent diseases and build immunity.
  • Blood sugar levels remain balance with Papaya.
  • The green tea papaya is great for pelvic issues and uric acid.
  • The papaya green tea helps in weight loss and increases excessive body fat.

Price of Panera Green Tea

The updated price menu has the following prices.

  • The regular green tea cost about 2$ while the large one is 2.3$.
  • Coffee is quite affordable and costs between 1.7 to 2.4$.
  • The latte’s prices are between 3 to 3.9$.

Which Green Tea Brand Does Panera Use?

Panera uses passion fruit papaya green tea by the brand The Republic of Tea. Although they don’t openly accept this it is a known fact that they use this tea brand.

A green tea brand

Is The Green Tea from Panera Healthy?

Green tea is considered the healthiest beverage on planet earth. Panera has a reputation of being a brand with a healthy alternative from markets other products.

The three main ingredients used in Panera are green tea brew, papaya water, and passion fruit. These are great ingredients with their benefits.

But Panera uses about 30 grams of sugar in your green tea. While this may be a healthier option than soda or other carbonated drinks if your aim is weight loss and better health goals this amount of sugar isn’t aiding you in burning fats.

How To Make Panera Passion Papaya Green Tea at Home?

So, you love the delicious Panera iced tea but have reservations about the caffeine content and it’s being healthy? We got you covered.

Here is the exact copy of Panera Iced Green Tea to make at home easily. The good news is that you can alter it for your liking and according to the diet that you follow.

two glasses of iced green tea

Panera’s Iced Green Tea

Make same to same Panera's iced green tea at home.
Course Drinks


  • 2 cups Water
  • 6 teabags Passionfruit Papaya Green Tea
  • 4 tablespoons Honey
  • 2 tsp Lemon juice
  • 6 pieces Fresh mint


  • In a pot add water and papaya green teabags.
  • Let it simmer on medium flame until boiling point.
  • Let it cool.
  • Add honey, lemon juice and fresh mint and grind with ice cubes.
  • Your homemade Panera's iced green tea is ready to serve.
Keyword icedgreentea

Frequently Asked Questions

People asked many questions about Panera’s green tea. We answered them for you.

How Many Calories in Passion Panera Green Tea?

We have included the calories in the table above. Panera green tea has about 130 calories in a cup. Hence, you can check yours according to your age and the daily intake of calories you should be taking.

Does Panera Have Free Refills on Green Tea?

Yes, if you buy a large green teacup then good news for you. Panera provides free refills on green tea.

What Happens If I Drink Too Much of Green Tea?

Drinking too much green tea can cause some side effects.

  • Firstly, it can have caffeine overdose in the body.
  • This can increase heart palpitations, anxiety.
  • Green tea acts as a diuretic, excessive intake can cause to have frequent urination.


Panera has a great reputation, hence it has delicious drinks and green tea is one of them. They claim to have zero content of caffeine in their green tea.

It’s up to you to buy them or not. Iced green tea refreshes your mind and body and is surely is a great alternative to coffee and soda.

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